
a small rain dampens a big storm

having begun life as an ardent seed, “a small rain dampens a big storm” quickly took root and sprouted fragile cast-iron stalks out of the fertile earth. they saw fit to bear fruit in the shape of thirty-seven graceful shower heads, which strained to see the rethespeicher warehouse on the tidal elbe. our dream of cooling water initially seemed doomed to failure, yet by the day of the dress rehearsal the fire brigade had delivered an über-powerful pump which made it possible for the art in our heads to become a tangible experience.

for 10 days and nights both our field and our eyes were swamped with art lovers, mud bathers, delighted little girls, music fans and vandals – all of whom helped turn our showpiece at the dockville festival in hamburg into a well-frequented landscape feature.

an outdoor installation by

:: nina schmidt :: saskia göldner ::
:: elke jänicke  :: lysann németh ::