schaum klitzeklein
eisessen klitzeklein
schwarz lang
schwarz superkurz
schwarz superkurz
schwarz lang


… show that little wonders do exist. when the “association for the revitalisation of cultural wasteland” gave us the chance to jump in at the last minute and exhibit in chemnitz, we didn’t sit around twiddling our thumbs: we laid the flat on the third floor of ritterstraße number 13 with astroturf, and wild meadow was shovelled onto its dilapidated balcony. we used available wall space to hang a blend of existing works and newly created pieces. the various layers of wallpaper we exposed as a result told stories of both failure and new beginnings.
the positioning of a transitional solution at a dizzy height requires spontaneous tears and objective deliberation, enthusiastic abandon and an emergency brake. rather than acting as a connecting force, the light which shines at the two windows turns them into königskinder which, so the story goes, will never be united…
the project took form, and a constant stream of visitors beat a path to our door: contrary to all expectations, the opportunity seized turned out to be gateway to a goldmine of guests and the trigger for a series of further wonders. all of a sudden, russian ice cream was on the house, masking tape was randomly reduced by a euro and a pair of visitors liked the exhibition so much that they desperately wanted to pay an entry fee. some people came back two or three times just to take another look at anna gänßler’s documentary “zwischenstand”. as if that was not enough cream to make the cat’s mouth water, four exhibits were sold and a large project was commissioned in the shape of nadja hoppe’s “rent-an-artist”.as a result, the summer months which followed offered the institut the chance to relax and recharge before starting the autumn with fresh impetus and stability.